
Digital tool retailer Contorion supports growth with Oracle Retail

Digital tool retailer Contorion supports growth with Oracle Retail

Wrench (Photo: – Yuri A./Shutterstock)

Contorion is expanding its business with digital tools (Photo: – Yuri A./Shutterstock).

A digital specialist retailer for professional tools and workshop supplies lays the foundation for expansion in Europe.

Contorion is based in Germany and also supplies customers in Austria, France, the Netherlands and Italy. The company offers a range of more than 500,000 products to a customer base consisting mainly of professionals in small and medium-sized companies.

The company operates an online platform and offers its customers a seamless procurement process. However, Contorion faced challenges due to its existing siloed operations, where each department used separate systems, resulting in difficulties in managing information in a unified manner.

Contorion is scaling its operations for further growth across Europe and recognizes the need for a more integrated and efficient business system that eliminates these silos. To improve business operations, Contorion is working with Retail Consult to implement several oracle Retail cloud solutions.

These include Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) to manage day-to-day retail merchandising activities and Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP to support financial business processes.

“Since 90% of our business requirements are already met by standard functionality, we chose Oracle’s modern retail platform to streamline our processes and make our business model more efficient using industry-best practices,” said Malte Schiebelmann, Senior VP of Product & Technology at Contorion.

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