
Google Wallet can now store California ID cards and driver’s licenses

Google Wallet can now store California ID cards and driver’s licenses

Google has improved its Wallet app in recent years, making it useful not only for payments but also for adding boarding passes, loyalty cards, transit passes, etc. In addition, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, and Maryland are all states where Google Wallet allows the storage of ID cards and driver’s licenses. Now, California residents can do the same.

Google Wallet ID options
Google Wallet ID options

Google Wallet ID options

The latest version of Google Wallet now gives you the ability to add California IDs and driver’s licenses, but keep in mind that this is still a pilot program and the enrollment cap is currently 1.5 million.

The requirements are not very high, you just need a smartphone with Android 8.0 or higher and the Bluetooth and Nearby Devices permissions so that the Wallet app can share your ID with entities that request it. You can also choose which information from your documents to share, which is very useful for privacy.

Another important point to keep in mind is that government-issued cards are not synced with your Google account. They remain on the phone, so you’ll need to add them again if you change devices.

Verification requires a short selfie video, which will be forwarded to the DMV. You will then receive your verification via email.


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