
A confirmation and a premonition: the selection is decided among the titles and Monumental is not submitted

A confirmation and a premonition: the selection is decided among the titles and Monumental is not submitted

The desire to be competitive and not to relax on the road between Canada, the United States and Mexico in 2026 imposed another chapter on July 21 Argentina j Chile for the 7th hour of Elimination measures for the world. Local selection requires a guarantee and a warning: 11 titles are setYes The Monumental Stadium presents an incomplete competitionnot only because of the reduction in your capacity, but also because of a sanction for another reason. The total number of entries was not sold.

Emiliano Martinez; Nahuel Molina Lucero, Christian Romero, Nicolas Otamendi j Lisandro Martinez; Rodrigo DePaul, Alexis MacAllister, Enzo Fernandez j Nicolas Gonzalez; Lautaro Martinez j Julian Alvarez When the football players made the compromise against the Chileans, the practical work of this nation in the run-up to Ezeiza was left to them. For this reason, Lionel Scaloni has opted for a 4-4-2 in what I say two central airfields j two Centrodelanteros.

The Centrodelanteros Julián Álvarez and Lautaro Martínez obtained titles against Chile; for Scaloni you can compare the cancha without superponerse.OMAR VEGA – GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA

It is indicated that the World and America Camp has not received any entries recently. A pesar de la fiebre albiceste por la copa america, The monument was not illuminated In the first phase of the election on your adoption in the United States. Without the presence of Lionel Messithe footballer is the greatest player on the planet, with him popular clauses j Impossible sums of money must be paid for the mayoralty of the Hinchas Argentines, the encounter with Chile did not tend to be the Marco that many people expected.

Please confirm this for THE NATIONALITY From Calle Viamonte it is not long ago Remanent de localidades para casi todos los habilitados del Monumental. If you look at the AFA Tickets portal, the tickets for the Sívori Plateau, Centenario, San Martín Alta and Belgrano Alta y Baja are called “Agotadas” and you can request the Sívori Media on the Deporticke page immediately Alternative channels approved by the Argentine Fútbol Association can use Boletos for all of the following locations: Centenario Media, Sívori Media and San Martín Alta a 113,400 USD; San Martín Baja a 210,000 US dollarsand the media a $220,500. By the way, La Centenario Alta is exclusive to the Chileans ($183,750). These are figures, of course, not including the station, the fuel, the peas, the guests (of the party founded on December 21, 2010) and other guests who most value the market.

Apart from the economic factor and because many Argentines had not cut their salaries before August, the Australian played Lionel Messi on paper. However, there are other main factors that have led the public to watch the part of the house. The star was recovering from an injury on death row and was not called up to double the elimination. It is not a gift Angel Di Mariabut it wasn’t a part of the team that I needed to get one reconocimiento previo al encuentro.

Nicolás González, Alexis Mac Allister and Enzo Fernández play for the community, which occupies a mediocre place of four pieces; the former jugadores of Boca and River are active as Volantes Centrales.Aníbal Greco

Ultimately, the good decision for the Copa América and the Copa del Mundo was still relevant because of the compromises of the elimination competitions. Argentina lidera la classification Yes, that is the difference with his rivals who have the Cabo de seis fechas ya les sacó 10 sales points to Paraguay and Chileque pelea por ingresar al repechaje.

The Monumental is the stadium with the highest capacity in South Africa tend to reduce Para el partido with la Roja, lo cual se suma que las entradas no se agotaron. The motive of the exam is un FIFA occupation by “chants of racists and homophobes” In matches with Ecuador (at the River Cancha) and Uruguay (at the Boca) at the beginning of the classification for the world. The world football organization was applied once by the AFA many and excuse it “Partially” of the stadium after selecting the actuator as the local actuator based on your current compromise.

However, since the direction of Argentine football had the intention of imposing this sanction, the pedido was not released by it, since the AFA imposed a “sanction on ice” since the eliminators and was harshly criticized by racist chants. At that moment the enclosure of the stadium was put into effect and at that moment the Banderas against racism and discrimination were damaged. Definitely, the Monumental tendrá este jueves alrededor de une 25% less capacity than a normal part.

Argentina celebrated its conquest of Qatar in 2022 with a celebration among friends in front of Panama; today the River stadium is finished.

“It is an issue (racism) that I have to address with the series. Because we are conscientious at sea and we have to keep in touch with our team, we have to play just a few months later. “It is important that there is no discrimination in the time we live in,” he said Lionel Scaloni In the youth conference there is a kind of advertencia.

“We had a good party and a love for the Lord that had a tremendous fire to go to the mountains and only that we were highly valued,” said Julián Álvarez, who felt at home in the Monumental.

In case of repetition of an act of this nature, the FIFA sanction may be more than 50% and the selection will be transferred to an indoor stadium, such as the Madre de Ciudades, Santiago del Estero, at the end of 2021 with a 1-1 against Chile and in 2023 with a 7-0 against Curazao.

Ángel Di María was visited in the Monumental House for the withdrawal from the Argentine selection; well, the public has looked at the local conditions to travel in Chile in this young year.Aníbal Greco

Argentina made its debut in the 2026 qualifying matches with the previous days ahead of Ecuador at the Monumental, expressing four boletos for the Partido por la Tercera Fecha ahead of Paraguay. In the end, the match ended with the locals losing 0-2 to the Uruguayans at the Bombonera and then the tickets went off volaron In less than two hours, the Argentine Hinchas and the Celestes were like one another.

As a result, Argentina is aiming for its title of second fighter in America in an unfavorable scenario for this fight. The infection is likely to come from cancer.

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