
Bulldog in the shop window is the cheerful and unofficial mayor of his town

Bulldog in the shop window is the cheerful and unofficial mayor of his town

Most of the time I’m happy with my suburban life – I can throw a rock in any direction and I’m at Starbucks, and there are plenty of parks nearby where I can take my kid and dog and let them both burn off some energy at the same time. But living in this area does have some drawbacks. It lacks a lot of the charm and uniqueness that you only find in areas with fewer big supermarkets and more corner shops. My happiest moment is when I’m traveling and I walk into a store and find that there’s a dog or cat hanging out with their owners all day.

That’s the way I am knowledge that when people visit this health and wellness store in the UK, featured in the TikTok video below, they are thrilled to discover that it has a cute puppy living there, hanging in the window and bringing so much joy to passersby.

Recently, a store called Super Natural Healing shared a video on Instagram of their cute English bulldog proving how good she is at greeting people from the store window.

As you would expect, Vinny brings a smile to the faces of people of all ages who are lucky enough to pass by as he sits at the window, enjoying the view of the street. More than once, a group of people turned around to take another look at him, which he didn’t seem to mind at all.

One time, a man even came in with a bone for Vinny and asked the shop owner if he could give it to him. How sweet is that?! Then again, who could resist pampering such a sweet dog?

More about Vinny

According to the other posts on the company’s Instagram account, Vinny is a busy dog ​​- and he gets a lot of love hanging out in the window. It makes sense that he loves it there; dogs usually like to hang out in front of a window anyway, and on a street full of shops, there’s probably a lot of activity for him to keep an eye on.

Another video shows more happy reactions to Vinny’s presence. “The lady at the end actually came in and Vinny was very happy about it,” the video’s caption says.

Vinny also has another bulldog as a best friend, Louie, and the videos of them playing together are just too cute. It looks like this guy has a lot of friends in both dogs And People.

If only every store had a Vinny. It would make running errands so much easier!

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