
Fortnite gamer returns after 2 years break

Fortnite gamer returns after 2 years break

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Fortnite gamer returns after 2 years break
With 21,000 V-Bucks you can buy quite a few skins © DALL-E inspired by Epic Games

After a long break from playing, a Fortnite player was surprised to find over 21,000 V-Bucks in his account. The community is puzzled about the origin of the currency.

Hamburg – When the user eru_uibo (on Reddit) opened his Fortnite account after two years, he was amazed: He had a total of over 21,000 V-Bucks in his possession. This surprised him, as he said he had around 700-800 V-Bucks in his account. eru_uibo shared this find on Reddit, sparking discussions and speculation in the community.

Here are the three most likely scenarios for you:

Option 1: Price changes for V-Bucks

In 2021, there was a price adjustment in the Fortnite store. The virtual currency became cheaper, so players who had bought V-Bucks in the 6 months before the price reduction received additional V-Bucks. One user states in the comments under the post that he had “Got about 8k (V-Bucks) a few months ago after taking a break for about a year“.

2nd option: lawsuit against Epic Games

A few years ago, Epic Games, the developer and publisher of Fortnite, was involved in a legal dispute over in-game purchases being accessible to minors without sufficient parental consent and without clear refund options. The class action lawsuit in the US accused Epic of violating consumer rights, particularly purchases made through impulsive actions or misunderstandings on the part of children.

As compensation, Epic offered affected players refunds in the form of V-Bucks or real money. However, according to the community, this explanation is quite unlikely. One user writes: “The lawsuit a few years ago allowed those affected to make claims up to a maximum of $80. That’s equivalent to 13,500 V-Bucks“.

3rd possibility: Forgotten Fortnite Crew subscription

The last possibility is that eru_uibo had taken out a Fortnite Crew subscription and forgotten about it. With the paid subscription, a player receives 1000 V-Bucks a month, along with other goodies and the Battle Pass. In this case, eru_uibo would have paid for the subscription for around 20 months, which would cost a whopping €240 in Germany. So perhaps the digital wealth wasn’t completely free after all. Perhaps a combination of these three possibilities led to the in-game fortune; unfortunately, there is no definitive answer.

If you play Fortnite and have bought a certain skin, you might also get a few V-Bucks for free: Epic Games is giving you 1200 V-Bucks after an error – you have to have fulfilled this requirement.

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