
Justiça decree prisão do cantor Gusttavo Lima

Justiça decree prisão do cantor Gusttavo Lima

In the last second month, 23, the Pernambuco Justice decided on a preventive prison sentence Nivaldo Batista LimaCantor met as Gustavo Limafor Integration Operation — Usually an investigation imposed on the lawyer Deolane Bezerra No start in September. The process surprised me about the type of toilet flush and the games I needed for R$ 3 billion.

The decision was made by Andrea Calado da Cruz, of the Tribunal de Justiça de Pernambuco, second to the “Folha de S.Paulo”, a judge who has not authorized the officer of the Polícia Civil in this state, nor even the officer of the Ministry of Public Affairs, to replace preventive prison sentences with extrajudicial Medidas-Cautelares.

It was announced by “Folha” and obtained from the website IstoÉ GenteI had to say that a plane that was being transported was on a return trip to Greece and also visited a house of inquiry of Justiça, José André and Aislla, among others.

“I forced Nivaldo Batista Lima to protect him and demonstrated an alarming lack of consideration to the judge.” Her intense financial relationship with individuals, which includes suspicious movements, has raised several questions about her own participation in criminal activities. “In linking your business to the dishonor of your family, a compromise was made that you could not ignore,” he said.

“Well, an aircraft transport to Nivaldo Lima, the place of investigation, followed by the trip to Goiânia – Athens – Kavala. No return, return trip from Kavala – Athens – Canary Islands – Goiânia, or that José André and Aislla had to disembark in Greece or the Canary Islands in Spain. “There are indications that the situation is serious and requires a minimal investigation, and it is proven that Nivaldo Batista Lima has not compromised the integrity of the justice system with his accusations, but also continues to remain impunity in a context of serious crime,” the statement said.

Concealment of values

No process, police approval is required Balada Eventos e Produções LTDAEmpresa de Gusttavo Lima, éResponsável por ocultar valuables provenientes de jogos ilegais da HSF Entratenimento Promoção de Eventsos. A company deposited in May 2023 has deposited R$4.9 million, R$4.8 million, deposits in the April before last, a total of R$9.7 million; Dentre Outros Valores Minores Recebidos de Empresas de Apostas.

The IstoÉ Gente site Contact a cantor’s evaluator and confirm that you will receive a partner.

Flight training

On September 4, September 4, the cantor was summoned by the Civil Police of São Paulo. A flight was being carried out due to maintenance work at Jundiaí Airport, in the interior of São Paulo, when he was withdrawn by the police.

With the prefix PR-TEN, the model airplane 560XLS, manufactured by Cessna Aircraft, was acquired for 6.9 million US dollars (or 38.8 million R$, second week).

The aircraft has the ability to travel new passengers and use private air transport services. No website of Anac (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil), or a model owned by Balada Eventos e Produções LTDA, a company managed by the Administration Nivaldo Batista Lima (registration name Gusttavo Lima) and administration of JMJ participants.

In a contact with the website IstoÉ Gente, à data, the assessor of Gusttavo Lima explains that an aircraft is not in charge of the cantor and agrees with the company JMJ Participações, managed by Jorge Costa Guimarães Junior, Julio Cesar Lago Guimarães and Marco Antonio Lago Guimarães.

“AT BALADA EVENTOS through the intermédio of his lawyer Cláudio Bessas, clarify that a flight prefix PR-TEN applies to the sale through my contract of sale and sale registered jointly with RAB-ANAC for the company JMJ Participações.

It is important that the company JMJ is an owner and is registered with the ANAC as an operator in the postponement of the transfer process from the organization.

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