
Passengers pay airport tax in rupees instead of dollars – News

Passengers pay airport tax in rupees instead of dollars – News

Passengers pay airport tax in rupees instead of dollars

Islamabad – The authority has decided to charge airport fees in Pakistani rupees instead of US dollars.

Published: Wed, 26 June 2019, 06:50

Last updated: Wed, 26 June 2019, 8:55 am

According to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), passengers on international flights will now have to pay 2,800 rupees in Pakistani currency as an airport tax.
A statement from the CAA said the authority had decided to no longer charge airport taxes for international passengers at the country’s airports in US dollars, but in Pakistani rupees.
“In order to avoid inconvenience to passengers, the airport fees (INFR+SEC), which passengers were previously required to pay at the rate of US$20, have been reduced to a fixed amount of Pakistani rupees 2,800 per departing international passenger,” the statement said.
“All airlines must ensure compliance with the letter and spirit of the regulations,” the statement said. Until now, international passengers had to pay $20 in airport fees.

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