
School bus from Amarillo brings children home more than an hour late

School bus from Amarillo brings children home more than an hour late

I have to say, the school year has started off very eventful here in Amarillo. It started with the most chaotic lines in front of the schools.

Now let’s throw some bus stories into the mix. I can understand that there are long lines when you want to pick up your kids and take them home, but this is so completely unacceptable that it baffles me that something like this could even happen.

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Not everyone can pick up their children from school, so there are after-school programs and a bus to take them home. These options should be things we don’t have to think about for a second.

However, for the students and parents of Will Rogers Elementary, this was not quite the case.

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This is absolutely unbelievable. Let’s start with the fact that the bus was an hour and a half late for drop-off time. Can you imagine the panic a parent would have if their child hadn’t shown up on time for the scheduled drop-off time?

I understand that there are slight variations, up to, say, 15 minutes late. Traffic could be bad, and an accident could have delayed the route, all the normal things we deal with on a daily basis. But and an hour and a half?

There is literally no excuse for this, none at all.

And then find out the next day that the bus to pick up the children never came?

Here’s my question. Who exactly is responsible for all of this? Maybe this bus driver just didn’t have a feel for his job, I can understand that completely. However, when you’re responsible for other people’s children, behavior like not showing up for work or taking too long to get them home is unacceptable.

This is funny because my youngest son had mentioned that he wants to take the bus to and from school, even though it’s faster and easier for us to do it ourselves. We live just a few minutes from his school and have the option to do that.

And now? I won’t even consider it because I don’t know what I would do if I had to deal with that kind of stress.

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Gallery credit: Sarah Clark

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