
The amazing way this Richmond group is helping people and the planet

The amazing way this Richmond group is helping people and the planet

RICHMOND, Va. – Richmond-based group Lettuce Reduce Food Waste collects and gives away food every week to help people and the planet.

Every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m., volunteers meet at Forest Hill Park Triangle Park in Richmond to prepare and distribute free food donated by various area restaurants and businesses.

“If there weren’t giveaways like this, all of this food would be thrown away,” said Rivka Swenson. “We don’t want anyone to go home empty-handed.”

Rivka Swenson Salad Reduces Food Waste


Rivka Swenson

Swenson founded the group just over a year ago after working at another organization and seeing there was an opportunity to help her community and reduce food waste

“You don’t have to show ID or declare how much money you make,” Swenson said. “Everyone needs food. Let’s keep it out of the landfill.”

According to the FDA, 30 to 40% of food produced is lost or wasted in the supply chain from farm to fork. Swenson wants to help reduce that number while helping others in her community.

Rivka Swenson Salad Reduces Food Waste


From vegetables to desserts, each week is different and full of varied choices.

“Sometimes we have a lot of French cheese, sometimes a lot of meat, sometimes none at all. Often we have a lot of good vegan products,” Swenson said. “We always have a lot of bread, we always have a lot of sweets, we always have fruits and vegetables.”

Swenson said she is pleased to see the group continue to grow in size, food selection and impact.

“For me, community participation means being part of the community,” she said. “Everyone contributes to reducing food waste.”

You can contact Swenson through the Facebook page to donate or volunteer.

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