
The best food in the Green Hell

The best food in the Green Hell


  • For players seeking high protein content in Green Hell, cooking tapir meat provides a perfect balance of nutrients, energy, and mental boost.
  • Harvesting palm hearts from young palm trees is a versatile way to maintain energy levels while exploring the Amazon rainforest.
  • Peccary meat is a hardy survival choice, offering high protein and fat content that can be enhanced through various cooking methods.

For hardcore fans of survival games: Green Hell is one of the most challenging options on the market. In this game, the characters are stranded in the Amazon rainforest and must use all their skills to survive the challenges that affect both body and mind.


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While many games are about survival and players are simply forced to eat and drink, there are others that require very unusual survival strategies.

Green Hell also features a consistent nutrition mechanic where players must acquire foods that maintain properties such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and hydration to keep the player character alive. However, for better results, it is crucial that players understand what the best food in Green Hell actually are.

10 Cooked turtle meat

Offers a lot of protein but is hard to find

Cooked turtle meat provides protein and sanity amidst a lush jungle in the Green Hell

  • Increase in demand: +48 Protein, +15 Energy
  • Habitats: Forest edge and riverbed

Since they are not usually found in the starting area of ​​the game and you have to explore the map to find them, Red-footed Tortoises are quite rare, but their cooked meat provides a good amount of protein and energy. For characters who need significant increases in these stats, this is one of the best places to eat in Green Hell.

These turtles are found near riverbeds at the edge of forests, and their colorful appearance makes them easy to spot in this environment. Additionally, they move slowly, making them an easy target for players to take them down with a single hit.

9 Green iguana meat cooked

Provides some protein

Cooked iguana meat provides energy and protein, perfect for survival in the Green Hell

  • Increase in demand: +28 Protein, +10 Energy
  • Habitat: Forest

Like other foods in Green HellIguana meat can be prepared in a variety of ways, but for players seeking a higher protein content, cooking is the best preparation method. Despite its short shelf life of just two days before it goes bad, it provides 28% protein.

Iguanas are found throughout the forest areas in Green Hellbut players must be careful as they tend to flee when in danger and their green bodies blend into the environment. It is recommended to use ranged weapons or set traps in strategic places to catch them.

8 Heart of the Palm

A good source of carbohydrates and fluids

Palm heart for carbohydrates and hydration, a vital resource in the dense forest of the Green Hell

  • Increase in demand: +28 carbohydrates, +2 protein, +20 hydration
  • Habitat: Young palm tree

For players looking for a versatile alternative in Green Hellthe palm heart is a nutritious and easy-to-obtain option. Harvesting this part of the young palm tree provides 45 carbohydrates and 20 fluids, as well as 2 protein. These properties make the palm heart an excellent choice to keep the character’s energy up while exploring the dense Amazon rainforest.

In addition to being eaten raw, the Palm Heart can also be used to make a brew that lacks protein and fluids but provides 10 energy. Players can obtain this item by cutting down a young palm tree that is usually found in various areas of the forest, making it one of the best foods in Green Hell to ensure survival.

7 Unknown light bulb

A reliable source of carbohydrates

Unknown lightbulb delivers carbohydrates in the harsh environment of the Green Hell

  • Increase in demand: +50 carbohydrates, +5 energy (cooked)
  • Habitat: Under the Malanga plant

The Malanga tuber is one of the best food in Green Hell for players who need a quick and efficient source of carbohydrates. Harvested from the Malanga plant and consumed raw, it provides 50 carbohydrates but also causes food poisoning, making direct consumption risky.


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Cooking the Malanga tuber is the safest and most beneficial option, as it preserves the 50 carbohydrates and adds 5 energy without posing any health risk to the character. Its easy availability and the benefits it offers make it an essential food for those who want to survive in this Amazon jungle survival game.

6 banana

A rich source of carbohydrates

Collection of bananas, neatly stacked in a backpack, provides carbohydrates in the Green Hell

  • Increase in demand: +25 carbohydrates
  • Habitat: Banana tree

Bananas are among the best food in Green Hell due to their abundance and easy accessibility. While they provide 25 carbohydrates (a relatively low amount compared to other foods), their constant presence on the map ensures that players always have a reliable source of energy available.

Their easy availability and short perishability of just two days make bananas a strategic choice for maintaining carbohydrate levels while exploring the Amazon rainforest. Additionally, bananas can be used as seeds for crops or as fertilizer, providing continuous benefits throughout the game.

5 Unknown Nut

A reliable source of fat

Unknown high-fat nuts stored in the Green Hell for energy and jungle survival

  • Increase in demand: +15 fats
  • Habitat requirements: Raffia palm

The unknown nut is one of the best sources of fat in Green Hellprovides 15 fats per unit. This food, which occasionally falls from raffia palms, does not require cooking, making it a convenient option for players who want to maintain their character’s health with minimal effort. Additionally, its small size allows players to store a significant amount without compromising storage space.

Another advantage of the Unknown Nut is its long shelf life with a spoilage time of 3 days. This makes it ideal for extended trips through the Amazon rainforest. It can also be planted in a large planter box, providing a constant source of fat. For those looking for an easy-to-use and highly efficient product, the Unknown Nut is an indispensable choice in Green Hell.

4 Brazil nut

The ideal source of fat

A large supply of Brazil nuts for fats, carbohydrates and sanity while surviving in the Green Hell

  • Increase in demand: +1 carbohydrates, +35 fats, +2 proteins, +2 mental health
  • Habitat: Trunk of the Brazil nut tree

The Brazil nut is one of the best sources of fat in Green Hellprovides 35 fats per unit, as well as small amounts of carbohydrates and proteins. It is found at the base of the Brazil nut tree, usually in clusters of three to four nuts, making it a reliable choice for players who need fat to survive.

The Brazil nut is not only an excellent source of fat, but it also boosts sanity, making it indispensable for characters in critical situations. Since it only spoils in two days, it can be used effectively on long journeys, ensuring that players always have a nutritious and long-lasting source of food available.

3 Peccary meat

A rich source of protein and fat

Dried peccary meat, rich in proteins and fats, essential for long-term survival in the Green Hell

  • Increase in demand: +14 fats, +52 proteins, +8 energy, +3 reason
  • Habitats: Areas with dense vegetation, usually in pairs

Peccary meat is one of the best options for those looking for high protein and fat levels in Green Hell. Peccaries are found in densely vegetated areas and are passive animals that can be hunted with spears or traps. While the raw meat is already nutritious, drying increases its protein and fat content, making it an excellent source of energy.

The versatility of the meat’s preparation methods offers different benefits depending on the approach. Cooking it gives it a significant energy and sanity boost, while smoking or drying it extends its shelf life, allowing players to store it for long periods of time during their travels, making it a hardy choice for sustaining life in the Amazon rainforest.

2 Capybara meat

An excellent source of protein and fat

Dried capybara meat with high protein and fat content, crucial for jungle survival in the Green Hell

  • Increase in demand: +17 fats, +60 proteins, +8 energy, +3 reason
  • Habitats: Dense forest areas and near rivers

Capybara meat is one of the best food in Green Helloffers a high concentration of essential proteins and fats. With 60 proteins and 17 fats, it is ideal for staying strong both physically and mentally during long journeys through the Amazon rainforest.


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The meat can be consumed in a variety of ways, each of which offers different benefits. Cooking, for example, not only provides a good amount of energy, but also boosts mental health, which is crucial for overcoming the game’s challenges. The nutritional value and adaptability of the meat make it an essential choice for anyone looking for a sustainable and effective diet.

1 Tapir meat cooked

One of the best options in the game

Cooked tapir meat with high protein and fat content, vital to maintaining energy in the Green Hell

  • Increase in demand: +24 fats, +80 proteins, +15 energy, +5 mental health
  • Habitat requirements: Dense forests

In Green HellOne of the most valuable survival options is cooked tapir meat, which provides an ideal balance of proteins and fats, as well as energy and mental boosts. These properties make it an essential food for players who face long journeys through the Amazon jungle.

The tapir is a passive animal, but hunting it can be challenging due to its size and ability to hide in dense forests. The effort is worth it, however, as cooked meat provides long-lasting nourishment, which is crucial for maintaining both strength and sanity during the rigors of the game.


Green Hell

5 September 2019

Spooky Glass

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