
US Park Police participate in neighborhood celebrations for National Night Out (US National Park Service)

US Park Police participate in neighborhood celebrations for National Night Out (US National Park Service)

A uniformed US Park Police officer shows a boy wearing a red fireman's hat sitting on a US Park Police motorcycle how the motorcycle works. Two women watch from the side.
A US park police officer shows off the bells and whistles of a motorcycle at the National Night Out

US Park Police

Park Police officers celebrated the annual event with communities in DC, New York and San Francisco

On the first Tuesday in August each year, communities across the country partner with their local police forces to host street parties, festivals, cookouts, and more, all in the spirit of community building. U.S. Park Police officers were thrilled to participate in this year’s National Night Out festivities in D.C., New York, and San Francisco to celebrate the residents they are tasked with protecting. It’s an event they look forward to all year, and officers went above and beyond. Neighbors chatted with officers, rode on USPP motorcycles and patrol cars, met USPP horses, and even received Junior Officer Honor Badges and other U.S. Park Police swag.

According to the organization’s website, “National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live.” It is an important opportunity for local police teams to build meaningful relationships with their neighbors and encourage positive interactions between community members and police officers.

Law enforcement is a demanding profession, and a strong commitment and support from the community is essential for officers to do their jobs effectively. Celebrations like National Night Out can show neighbors that U.S. Park Police officers are not only in their community, but a part of it.

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