
War purse returns home to Callaway

War purse returns home to Callaway

The Seven Valleys Museum in Callaway recently received a very special item. The museum received a wallet as a donation from Shirley Howard. As it turns out, the wallet has a very interesting story.

Shirley found the wallet in Glen Johns’ belongings. The exact owner is unknown. The only clue is that the wallet is engraved with “Christmas Greetings 1944 from your friends in the hometown of Callaway, Nebraska.”

“I believe these wallets were sent to soldiers from the Callaway area by the Callaway Canteen Committee in 1944,” said Callaway resident Jo Chesley.

She and her husband Dave have a newspaper clipping from the Loup Valley Queen. It is a letter sent to the newspaper by Dave’s father, Elgin Chesley, who was in the Army in England as an electrical specialist for B-17 bombers. Elgin thanks the community for the “great” wallet he received. The letter, dated December 21, 1944, reads as follows:

“Dear folks, it’s about time I wrote to you and let you know that I get the Queen pretty regularly. It’s been so long since I last wrote to you that I’m afraid you’re starting to think I don’t appreciate it. But I do appreciate it and enjoy reading it very much. I especially enjoy the letters from the other serving comrades. It seems that there is at least one Callaway comrade in every area of ​​operation.

The holiday season is approaching. It makes you think even more about home and your friends. The Christmas packages are coming every day now. So far I have only received the beautiful wallet that the Callaway Canteen Committee sent me.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made this gift possible. It makes me really proud of my home community to show my friends my wallet and tell them who sent it.

About a month ago I was travelling on a 48 hour pass to meet a guy I knew from AM school and bumped into Bill McCreary. He’s the only Callaway guy I saw in England. We had a lovely visit even though we didn’t have much time.

In a few days I have seven days’ vacation. I hope to see some of my fellow students from the AM school again.”

Chesley said museum members appreciate receiving unique local items, especially when they can attach a story to the item. The wallet will soon be on display at the Seven Valleys Museum. Please note that all items offered to the museum will be voted on, taking into account space needed for display, duplication, uniqueness and local interest.

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