
WSJ: Walmart offers logistics outside of its own marketplace sales

WSJ: Walmart offers logistics outside of its own marketplace sales

(The retailer’s new services for third-party sellers are modeled on Amazon’s fulfillment operations)

Walmart is expanding its competition with deeper into the logistics space by opening its fulfillment services to merchants looking to fulfill orders from customers on platforms outside the retailer’s own marketplace.

Walmart said third-party sellers will soon be able to use Walmart’s warehousing, delivery and returns services to fulfill orders placed on platforms outside of Walmart’s website, including Target, Etsy and even Amazon.

The country’s top-selling retailer announced that it would also begin handling imports on behalf of merchants from ports of origin in Asia to Walmart’s U.S. distribution centers, giving sellers access to part and full loads at discounted rates.

Manish Joneja, senior vice president of the company’s U.S. marketplace and Walmart fulfillment services, said the measures are intended to help sellers manage the complicated and expensive logistics of importing and transporting goods and processing online orders for delivery to customers.

“As a seller, I want to focus on my product. I want to focus on my customer. I need help with logistics, supply chain and other things,” Joneja said…

You can find the full article here.

Also worth reading is the recent WSJ article: “Why China is starting a new trade war.”

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